How to build self-confidence?


How to build self confidence ?

8 ways to boost your selfconfidence

How to build self confidence

Hello everyone,

Here are some tips and quotes for increase your self-confidence.

We know that confidence is the key to success.


When we lack self confidence, we have to struggle for most of the things in our life and day to day work.

If you have low self-confidence then don't worry about it and remember

No one can born with self-confidence. They also pass through different phases of life and build there selfconfidence.

If you have low self-confidence there are many reasons for low self-confidence. Like your past failure and low self-esteem but it's ok to have low self-confidence but you can increase your self-confidence by practicing few things that are mentioned below.

I previously wrote a post about the importance of self-confidence for success which is about how does self-confidence help to be successful?

if you have not read this post yet please read this post that tell you how self-confidence help you and promote you to path of success.

If you have low self-confidence and want to increase your self-confidence this post is best for you. So, please read this post till the end.

If you want to increase your self-confidence do below mentioned things.

1) Accept and love yourself First


When you accept and love yourself, you don't mind what others are saying about you because you know yourself better than others.

Love yourself quotes

2) Believe in yourself and Stop doubting yourself.

When we Stop doubting ourself then we slowly believe in ourself and when we slowly believe  in ourself we automatically gain our selfconfidence in ourself.

So instead of believing in other people start believe in yourself and stop doubting yourself.

3) Positive Self talk or Affirmations

Self doubting and negative thoughts are one of the reason to have a low self confidence and to overcome this problem you can start Affirmations


Affirmations are positive statements that can help you overcome self-doubt and negative thoughts.When you repeat them, you start believing in them and this starts bringing positive changes in you.

You can also read some positive affirmations by clicking.


Talk to yourself once a day to meet your inner beautiful soul.

Inspirational quotes

4) Encourage yourself  

If you want to boost your confidence, encourage yourself first, even if in small success.

Now you think about how encouraging your own self even if in samall success and work leads you to way to success?

So here is your answer,

Encouraging yourself leads to self confidence,

self-confidence leads to self-determination

and that self determination leads to you way of success.

Motivational quotes

So instead of failure count your success and encourage yourself.

5) Always try new things and come out from your confort zone

We always avoid to try new things and we Always like to remain in our comfort zone

But comfortable zone is thing that stopping you from where you want to go 

That'a why

If you want to be successful then first you have to come out of your comfort zone because comfort zone is the poison which slowly kills the courageous soul inside you.

Motivational quotes

So come out from your comfort zone and start to try new things because starting to try new thing increase your belief in yourself and that eventually increase your selfconfidence.

6) Always stay positive and kill or ignore all negative thoughts.

Avoiding all negativity and always thinking positive also boosts confidence.


When you think positive then positive results will come in your life and your life will start changing.

Positive quotes

So always think positive even in negative situation.

7) Instead of of comparing your self with others compare yourself with what you were yesterday.


When you compare yourself with what you were yesterday then you start becoming a better version of yourself.

Inspirational quotes

8) focus on your strength rather than focusing on your weakness.

I hope you like my post and it will help you throughout your life.

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Thank you for reading my post



  1. These are wonderful tips to build self-confidence! Thanks you so much for sharing!

  2. This was so lovely to read as I am in need of show some kindness towards myself and build my confidence. I love the idea of encouraging ourselves, I think that will be really beneficial. Thanks for sharing!


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